Yoga-Tai Chi-Qi Gong at OMTAO,  Cashew Resort - Koh Chang - Ranong - Andaman-Sea - Thailand


First Dolphin Retreat Thailand

???????? First Dolphin Retreat in Thailand ????????

Let’s make it happen!

Do you want to be part of creating something NEW?

Something amazing, something that has never happened before in Thailand?

Consciously creating. Together.

Being with Dolphins in the Ocean.

Swimming, playing, dancing with those magnificent beings.

It is a vision that I carry in my heart for so many years!

It is a timeless vision for the New Earth,

It is a vision of Heaven on Earth, Eden, Paradise…

Bringing Land and Ocean Closer.

Dolphins and Humans Closer.

All living Beings closer.

It is a vision of LOVE.

The dolphins showed me that they are there, they are listening, they are waiting (very patiently, by the way).

Waiting for me to become clear,

To surrender, to step in fully,

Knowing that it is possible.

Because we are infinite,

Because we are powerful,

Because this vision wants to birth itself.

We dive into Stillness, we focus, raise our vibration, hold our vision, trust, and succeed.

Just imagine… if that is possible… what else is?

For so many years Dolphins have guided my way home ...

What does YOUR guidance say right now?


Is it calling you?

If so, here are some more details.

18th to 25th December

999.- Euro

What else is included: Accommodation, Food (2 meals per day), Meditation, Yoga, Aquatic Bodywork, Breathwork, Dance, Singing Bowls. All in its intuitive flow.

In English and/or German

Massage Courses, Retreats and Workshops

We are delighted to announce that Siggy and Sandra are offering workshops, courses and retreats again! After a long break due to the pandemic, they will be returning to OmTao this season. They will share three different types of learnings for bodyworker, yogis, therapists and anyone interested:

TYM beginner´s course from 9. -15. Dec 2024

This beginner's course on "Traditional Thai-Yoga-Massage" is a 7-day retreat, including Vipassana Meditation and Yoga, on the beautiful island of Koh Chang/Ranong in Thailand. The course is certified by Sunshine Network, Thailand. 

This course is designed for total beginners, with a focus on how to use your body weight effectively, proper client touch, and fundamental techniques. By the end of this course, you will be able to perform treatments in various positions (back, prone, side, and sitting positions), with the main techniques involving the use of palms, thumbs, and simple stretches.

For more information please continue to read HERE 

There is also a 12 day retreat from  1 - 12 April 2025. Please find all the information at the link above. 

Ocean Flow

Enjoy the ocean in a new and different way!

Ocean Flow is a beautiful water experiencce and therapy. It allows you to deeply let go in the ocean.

In the warm  water the body feels weightless and light and the gentle movements give you the joy and release of feeling no gravity. The natural healing qualities of the ocean water and the presence of the practitioner bring deep relaxation of body and mind allowing you to surrender to peace. The silence that you experience under water and the flow of movements help you to let go of thoughts - lightness and happiness arise.

While you are first being held, stretched and massaged on the surface you build up trust and begin to relax. Whenever you are ready you will be turned, rolled and gently supported under water (with a nose clip).

I am looking forward to a floating experience with you!

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